Bahman Movaqar wrote:
On 11/12/2013 17:29, Benjamin wrote:
>>> On 11 Nov 2013, at 20:08, Bahman Movaqar < >>> <>
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> When a window is resized, every Row/ColumnLayoutdistributes the width
>>>> and height evenly among any widget or nested layouts it contains.  In
>>>> turn, widgets try to fill as much space as possible.  Therefore after
>>>> resizing text box and button have become so huge and the space
>>>> between the radio buttons has increased so much.
>>>> Is that correct?
>>> It’s correct in the sense it is expected regarding to the layout you
>>> use :)
>>>> If yes, I have a couple of points to mention:
>>>> 1. A text box, specially in the case of TextModel and
>>>>    TextInputFieldModel, where it's basically a single line entry
>>>>    (ENTER is not allowed), should not change height (growing width
>>>>    is understandable and desired).  The height of a text box
>>>>    (specially a single line one) should only be calculated based on
>>>>    the font family and font size.
>>> TextModel is for more that one line :)
>>> TextInputField could eventually be forced to be one line, but I think
>>> it’s too much of a restriction.
>> I am 100% sure I didn't tell TextInputField to accept one line.  It
>> doesn't accept ENTER and I don't understand how a "multi-line" text
>> entry widget can work without accepting new line character :-)
>> Yes, TextInputField wraps the text but that's doesn't count as
>> multi-line entry :-)  More importantly it is unexpected behaviour from
>> user's PoV; I have never seen a single text entry widget wrap the text.
>> Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
> I do not understand sorry :(

Put in other words:
1. The default behaviour (if there's any other behaviour) of a text box in Spec, doesn't accept ENTER. A multi-line text entry without ENTER doesn't make sense, no? 2. The default behaviour of a Spec text box, wraps the text entered if the length exceeds the display length of the widget. This is very unorthodox and wrong *from user's perspective*.

I have to support point 2 above.  In general terms...
For a single line text box, I would expect it to scroll text horizontally out of view. I would expect initially at least two lines for a wrapping text box, after which it can be free to grow vertically as needed.

cheers -ben
>>>> 1.
>>>> 2. A button should not change height and width, unless specifically
>>>>    mentioned otherwise.
>>> Why ?
>> Because if the button changes height/width it loses the visual element
>> which users use to recognise buttons across a screen. Just like a
>> single-line text entry, a button's height, if not manually set, is
>> determined only by the font family and font size.
>> And regarding changing the button width, I've very rarely seen
>> applications that resize their buttons when the screen is resized.
>> Usually people put constraints over this. I'm not stating that this
>> definitely should be some UI framework's internal mehcanism. Perhaps a
>> simple method like `isCalculatedSize: aBoolean` with a TRUE default is
>> enough.
> That’s true changing the size is often not desired.
> Adding a flag can be a solution :)
> But as it brings some more complexity in the layouting ( which is already > quite too complex and too big) it was not considered until now :)

Makes sense.

>>>> 3. It's not usually desirable that the spacing between radio buttons
>>>>    change.
>>> That’s true :)
>>> But how to know that two radio buttons are close one to the other ?
>> Right.  That's the reason radio button groups are, AFAIK, always
>> implemented as widgets.
> Yes, but morphic do not do that :P
> Myabe I should introduce a model for that, and have my own encapsulation :)

Perfect idea. And along with some documentation please :-D

>>>> 4. Usually there's a way to specify how to distribute the
>>>>    width/height between layouts and widgets inside a layout (usually
>>>>    based on a percentage).
>>> There in spec as well :)
>>> You can have a look at:
>>> add:origin:corner:offsetOrigin:offsetCorner:
>> Hmm...couldn't figure out the logic.  Though it seems simple when
>> looking at the code :-)
> Here you entrer in some twilight zone :P
> add:origin:corner:offsetOrigin:offsetCorner:
> This screen shows an origin in x0,y0 and a corner in x1,y1.
> Their values are between 0 and 1, and represent a _proportional_ value of the > container.

By the gods! How was I supposed to know the values were supposed to be 0><1 !? :-) Thank you for this tip!

> Then, each of this corners can be shifted in x and y by a _fixed_ value (in > pixels)

So basically `add: #buttonGreet origin: 0.3@0.2 corner: 0.7@0.5 offsetOrigin: 0@0 offsetCorner: 0@0` would add a button in a center'ish position within its container, right?
I wonder what am I doing wrong since it has no effect whatsoever?


Bahman Movaqar  (

ERP Evaluation, Implementation & Deployment Consultant
PGP Key ID: 0x6AB5BD68 (

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