
I would like, briefly, to introduce myself and my company, Shared Logic Inc.

We are a small software development company, my partner and myself, located in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. We've been in business for thirteen years, but I've been writing software professionally since 1989.

We have been using Pharo for several production applications since early 2011. Until recently, we've had to invest our time and energy into several other development environments as well, preventing us from participating in the Pharo community as we would have liked. Over time, we've managed to migrate away from most of those other languages, and, today, we rely heavily upon Pharo and its many packages.

I still consider myself a relative newcomer to Pharo (and Smalltalk in general), but my years of experience with many platforms, development tools, and problem domains tells me that Pharo is, by far, the best tool for the work we do.

Better still, I can see that the Pharo community is smart, friendly, energetic, and committed to improving Pharo and expanding its reach. I hope that we can give something back to this community, to help promote and develop Pharo within the limits of our expertise and finances.

I look forward to getting to know each of you better and contributing where I can.

Best regards,


Michael J. Forster, B.Sc. (Hons.), B.Sc.
COO, Programmer
Shared Logic Inc.

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