Thx) That's nice

2014-02-03 kilon alios <>:

> I am added my self as a watcher to your project , will definitely be
> following your progress. Rock on :)
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Маркіян Різун <> wrote:
>> Sure, that is in my plans:)
>> 2014-02-03 kilon alios <>:
>> well done , now you only need to add a computer opponent, since playing
>>> against myself is boring because I win and lose every single time :D
>>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Маркіян Різун <> wrote:
>>>> To play it just type in workspace following: XsAndOsGame new openInWorld
>>>> 2014-02-03 Маркіян Різун <>:
>>>> Hello, everyone!
>>>>> I'm working on Xs&Os game (or tic tac toe) to learn pharo. Already
>>>>> uploaded a first version. Game is boring and very simple, but if somebody
>>>>> is interested here is a link:
>>>>> As a novice in pharo, waiting for comments and advice.
>>>>> Сritique is welcome too ;)
>>>>> Regards, Mark.

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