On 09 Apr 2014, at 18:01, Thomas Bany <mun.sys...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks !
> That's exactly what I was looking for. There is a compare method I dont quite 
> understand but I think I found what is going on.
> I failed to grasp that an Array reply to #sizeInMemory with it's own size, 
> without the sizes of its references. A single position object weight 96 
> bytes, which make the whole Array weight arround 8Mb, and the 32 objects 
> arround 250 Mb.

Yes, #sizeInMemory is confusing, a recursive version would be nice, but also 
dangerous as it could get in a loop. Here is something related: 

If you want to use a huge data structure, you have to think carefully about 
your representations. There are tricks you can use to conserve memory: use more 
primitive types (SmallIntegers, bit flags, Symbols), use shared instances, use 
alternatives like ZTimestamp which is half the size of DateAndTime, or use your 
own integer time, sparse data structures, and so on - and you can hide these 
optimisations behind your standard API.

> I'm not sure I can get arround that aspect since the computation is costly 
> and I need its output multiple times.
> I will make further testing to see why the memory is not released at the end 
> of the execution.

Good luck.

> Thanks again !
> 2014-04-09 15:19 GMT+02:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Hi Thomas,
> Fixing memory consumption problems is hard, but important: memory efficient 
> code is automatically faster in the long run as well.
> Your issue sounds serious. However, I would start by trying to figure out 
> what is happening at your coding level: somehow you (or something you use) 
> must be holding on too much memory. Questioning low level memory management 
> functionality should be the last resort, not the first.
> There is SpaceTally that you could use before and after running part of your 
> code. Once something unexpected survives GC, there is the PointerFinder 
> functionality (Inspector > Explore Pointers) to find what holds onto objects. 
> But no matter what, it is hard.
> If you have some public code that you could share to demonstrate your 
> problem, then we could try to help.
> Sven
> On 09 Apr 2014, at 12:54, Thomas Bany <mun.sys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My app is a parser/filter for binary files, that produces a bunch of ascii 
> > files.
> >
> > At the begining of the parsing, the filtering step involves the storage of 
> > the positions of 32 objects, each second for a whole day. So that's 32 
> > Arrays with 86400 elements each.
> >
> > During this step, the memory used by my image grows from 50Mb to ~500Mb. I 
> > find it far too large since I'm pretty sure my arrays are the largest 
> > objects I create and only weight something like 300kb.
> >
> > The profiling of the app shows that hte footprint of the "old memory" went 
> > up by 350Mb. Which I'm pretty sure is super bad. Maybe as a consequence, 
> > after the parsing is finished, the memory footprint of the image stays at 
> > ~500Mb
> >
> > What are the tools I have to find where precisely the memory usage explodes 
> > ? For example, is it possible to browse the "old memory" objects to see 
> > which one fails to get GC'ed ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Thomas.

Sven Van Caekenberghe
Proudly supporting Pharo

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