On 21 May 2014, at 13:30, Usman Bhatti <usman.bha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> When turning on ZincFileLogger on a Zinc server, after some time (1h or so) I 
> get the FileWrite error (see screenshot). I browsed through the bugs related 
> to Zinc in the Fogbugz but couldn't find any bug related to my problem. I get 
> the problem both on Mac (local machine) and Ubuntu (DigitalOcean instance) on 
> Pharo 3.0 (release).
> This is my code to register logging on the server events:
> server := ZnMultiThreadedServer startOn: 4001.
> logger := ZnFileLogger onFileNamed: 'server-log.txt'.
> server log addListener: logger.
> Any pointers?

That is really weird: in the code above the file is named 'server-log.txt' 
while in the screenshot the file is named 'License-log.txt', how is that 
possible ?

The error is that the file is closed, probably 'underneath' the logging code, 
so the question is, how is that possible, who did that ?

Can it be that two file (descriptors) got swapped ?

Did you save the image, move it around, across machines ?

> tx.
> Usman
> <Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 1.20.46 PM.png>

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