Hi Mariano,

Thanks, I used this method, but my problem is I do need an icon in the dock

I'm using Pharo as a server, and I'd need the user to be able to stop it
without any command-line knowledge.

Esteban, I'll try with Alien. I'm curious though, doesn't NativeBoost
replace Alien now?



2014-05-27 14:35 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Bernat,
> About a year ago I did implement that on the Pharo VM (the Pharo's branch
> of Cog). It was integrated as far as I remember.
> I copied pasted here the ANN I sent to the mailing list:
> Hello there,
> For a long time, Pharaoers and Squakers have been asking for headless support
> in the Cocoa VMs just as we have with Carbon VMs. Carbon is becoming a
> legacy framework so people needed this.
> I wanted to thanks Square [i] International <http://www.square-i.net/> for
> sponsoring me to implement such a support. Not only have they sponsored the
> development but they have also agreed to release it under MIT license for
> the community. This headless support will be included in the official
> Pharo VM and will be, therefore, accessible to everybody.
> The project is not yet finished but I do have a demo/prototype that I
> wanted to share with you so that you can test it and give me feedback. This
> VM should only work starting at OSX 10.6.
> *How to use it?*  Basically it works this way: to have headless, just
> edit the Info.plist and set the flag LSBackgroundOnly to 1 (add the key if
> it is not present):
>  <key>LSBackgroundOnly</key>
>  <true/>
> When doing this, you don't even need the -headless anymore since, setting
> LSBackgroundOnly to 1, will cause the same effect (being the flag almost
> mandatory). If you don't want headless, put it to false or don't even put
> the key. If you don't set LSBackgroundOnly to 1 but send -headless, the
> VM will still be headless but you will see a little flash. If this flash
> bothers you, then set the flag. I am trying to get a way to avoid the
> "flash" while also avoiding to set LSBackgroundOnly to 1, but I still
> couldn't find it. Anyway, I think we can live with the current situation.
> *How to test it?* You should run the image with something like RFB or
> Seaside or whatever you can and then confirm if it is working even if you
> areheadless. As a matter of testing, I saved an image with seaside
> running in the port 5555. You can get both, this Seaside image and the VM
> withheadless from: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r7qk49bxywk2xce/6N7-fdyx6V
> So if you run the VM headless with that image and go to localhost:5555,
> you should see that Seaside is running.
> I would appreciate if you can test it. And please let me know in which
> version of OSX you tried. Of course, the more of you who can test it, the
> better. Notice that this VM was compiled with LLVM GCC 4.2 and it may have
> some problems in older OSX versions (but I think it shouldn't). I still
> couldn't compile a VM with GNU GCC 4.2 as I get a crash :(
> *Expected results?*  In headless mode, anything should be displayed (no
> window, no menu, no item in the dock and nothing appear when switching
> apps). When running headfull, everything should be normal.
> *Where is the code? *The code I have modified to the VM is committed to
> my own fork of the VM:
> https://gitorious.org/~marianopeck/cogvm/marianopecks-blessed
> Once the code is ready, I will do a pull request so that it can be
> integrated.
> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Bernat Romagosa <
> tibabenfortlapala...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> is it possible to have Pharo run headless while still showing up in the
>> dock?
>> In the same direction, is it possible to add contextual menu items to the
>> dock menu? Or for what matters, to the top system menu?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Bernat Romagosa.
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

Bernat Romagosa.

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