I was looking for a solution where I can have a textual grammar for a DSL in 
order to specify filters on objects. I didn't really search the net because I 
know a cute little DSL for that already. It is called smalltalk, you might have 
heard of it. 

So what I do is putting the filter spec into the image via an http interface, 
materialize the filter in image and store it in a database to have them survive 
image restart. A filter spec could look like this

[ :value | ( self sectionLabelOf: value ) = 'device'  ]

I want to know if there is any trouble to expect if I'm using plain block 
syntax for that task. As the blocks are injected using an http interface there 
is no environment/context problem. I would have some helper class as a facade 
to ease the filtering let's call it

FilterHelper (would have a class side method #sectionLabelOf:)

So getting the block code via HTTP I could do

block := Smalltalk compiler
        evaluate: request contents
        for: FilterHelper
        logged: false

And I would serialize it into a database as a string again doing

self store: block sourceNode formattedCode

 Are there any possible drawbacks using it this way?



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