Pull request sent.

Phill, you need to use the latest bower. I'd uninstall and reinstall again:

$ npm uninstall bower
$ npm install bower -g

Then just follow the tutorial, you don't need to modify bower.json or

Stef, thanks! I'll check these slides.


2014-09-03 16:50 GMT+02:00 p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>:

> I tried to get this working.
> bower installed
> Tide loaded as per the slides (with some fiddling as what is there doesn't
> work).
> Then TDDispatcher tideIndexPageUrl inspect gives
> http://localhost:7777/tide/tide/index.html
> (Why that 'tide' twice in there?)
> And there, no helios or anything.
> But that may be because I used the wrong bower 1.2.6 version and set
> stable for Amber as the commit number didn't work.
> So, Bernat, which bower and which amber in bower.json ?
> Phil
> ​

Bernat Romagosa.

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