
I'd say that's an implementation of the "Material implication"[1] operator from Propositional calculus.

You can write it as

P -> Q

and read it as "P implies Q" or (not 100% correct) "if P (is true) then Q (is true)".

Let's take a look at the truth table:

 P | Q | P -> Q
 t | t | t

inserting it into the statement above yields:

"if true then true" which is true indeed.

The funny thing starts when we look at the case(s), where P is false. The general (verbal) rule says that if the premise (P) is false the truth value of the conclusion doesn't matter. Hence the complete term is true:

 P | Q | P -> Q
 f | t | t
 f | f | t

There is one case left: What happens if the premise is true but the conclusion is false? That's in direct violation of the defintion which states that "if P (is true) then Q (is true)". As P is true and Q is false the truth value of the complete term is false!

 P | Q | P -> Q
 t | f | f

Or to put it in different words: An implication can only be false if the premise is true but the conclusion is false.

So we end up with this truth table:

 P | Q | P -> Q
 t | t | t
 f | t | t
 f | f | t
 t | f | f

We did not take a look yet, at how to implement this with basic boolean operators. So we need to take a look at the table and find the expression: Let's start with the exception (fourth case). We can express this as:

!(P & !Q) -> "The term is false if P is true and Q is false"

I added the inner term "P & !Q" to the table to make it easier to follow:

 P | Q | P -> Q | P & !Q | !(P & !Q)
 t | t | t      | f      | t
 f | t | t      | t      | f
 f | f | t      | f      | t
 t | f | f      | f      | t

The "last" step is to simplify the term "!(P & !Q)" using one of de Morgan's laws:
!(A & B) == !A | !B

Using this for our term gives

!(P & !Q) == !P | !!Q == !P | Q

 P | Q | P -> Q | P & !Q | !(P & !Q) | !P | Q
 t | t | t      | f      | t         | t
 f | t | t      | t      | f         | f
 f | f | t      | f      | t         | t
 t | f | f      | f      | t         | t

So our final term is "correct" (proof in the truth table) and is equivalent to the smalltalk term:

!P | Q  := self not or: [aBlock value]

I have to admit though that implications in Propositional calculus really gave me a headache. You might simply want to accept that they are defined this way. And maybe it doesn't help ... but there are even more strange things lurking around the corner [4] :-)

Although not immidiatly obvious all the terms in Propositional calculus do not neccessarly have a semantic meaning in context to each other. They are totaly independent. The only thing that counts is the truth value of its terms. E.g. something like this is mathematically/syntacically valid but doesn't make any sense from a semantic point of view:

P := I am 12y old
Q := It rains

The term "P -> Q" is perfectly fine mathematically/syntacically but doesn't mean anything in terms of semantics.

Hope this helps.




On 23.09.14 10:49, wrote:
Cool article & technique indeed. Ah Smalltalk, where were you all those
years ;-)

Speaking of PetitParser, which is excellent indeed, there is this #==>
method in Boolean.

PetitParser uses that a lot. I can use the thing but do not really
grasps how it works.

Now, the method comment says:

Boolean #==> aBlock
"The material conditional, also known as the material implication or
truth functional conditional.Correspond to not ... or ... and does not
correspond to the English if...then... construction.
known as:
b if a
a implies b
if a then b
b is a consequence of a
a therefore b (but note: 'it is raining therefore it is cloudy' is
implication; 'it is autumn therefore the leaves are falling' is
Here is the truth table for material implication:
   p   |   q   |   p ==> q
   T   |   T   |      T
   T   |   F   |      F
   F   |   T   |      T
   F   |   F   |      T

^self not or: [aBlock value]

This is still a bit foggy to me.

Anyone caring to shed some light on that?
What are the typical ways to use that?


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Udo Schneider
<>> wrote:

     > just as it is black magic for me now :D
    The nice thing about this approach is the fact that it "just"
    piggybacks the normal Smalltalk message sending. So you can step
    through it using the Debugger - it's Smalltalk all the way down.

    I still remember my first shock when (having no formal background on
    parsing theory at that time) I saw the parsing tables generated by
    T-Gen. Of course it was Smalltalk ... but understanding those tables
    was a nightmare.

    PetitParser is the gold standard here IMHO. It is able to parse
    arbitrary input (compared to my block expressions only). And you can
    still use the Debugger to step through the parsing process *and
    still understand what's going on!*



    On 23.09.14 09:54, kilon alios wrote:

        just as it is black magic for me now :D

        At least I get the general feeling. I am new to parsing too, so
        far I
        have only played with regex parsing. Not the most smalltalkish
        way but
        it works well so far.

        On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Udo Schneider

             Hi Estaban,

             I think the first time I saw this pattern was in ReStore on
             Smalltalk. I didn't understand it's implementation back then. I
             assume that it's similar to what I described though. But
        having a
             Smalltalk block automagically creating the equivalent SQL
             expression was like black magic at that time :-)



             On 23.09.14 04:15, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:

                 Excellent article.

                 I think GLORP uses a similar technique to setup its
        expressions, and
                 also have issues with #and:/#or: selectors due to
        inlining, so
                 it uses
                 AND:/#OR: instead.


                 Esteban A. Maringolo

                 pd: Your blog and it's choosen topic made me remember

                 2014-09-22 20:48 GMT-03:00 Udo Schneider


                     I just finished a blog entry. It shows how to use
                     blocks as parsers/translators. E.g. translating a Block

                               [:customer | (customer joinDate year is: Date
                     today year)]

                     into an SQL-like String

                               (YEAR(customers.joinDate) = 2014)

                     The SQL stuff is just an example - you can create
        nearly any

                     Check out


                     Maybe that's old stuff for some of you - but I hope
                     interesting for some at least :-)

                     Comments and feedback appreciated.



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