Le 30 sept. 2014 à 11:15, kilon alios a écrit :

> Not really, not if you are a begineer like me and does not come to mind to 
> right click on the entry. A GUI should have as button all the basic 
> functionality. Obviously not all functionality should be crammed into a GUI , 
> though depending on the design thats possible too. 

I understand your point. At the same time, I took care to not put too many 
buttons on the UI to avoid users to be lost. The best thing to do should be in 
the middle.

> Also I do feel Versioneer can be an excellent tool even replacing 
> Configuration Browser, allowing users to browse through projects in metarepo 
> repositories and choose specific version for each package to load, even 
> display information for those packages. 

I also have this feeling. We should just take care to give a way to load a 
configuration that is not in any metarepo repository.

> I love the tool as it is, but I do feel there is a lot more potential in it 
> and I am willing to contribute if that is desirable. 

Of course, all contributors are welcomed. I'm already working from time to time 
with Diego to merge his Metaceller model with Versionner model. It will open 
doors to support platform-specific code in dependencies.
I just added you to Versionner contributors. If you want to contribute, please 
ask me which version to start with because Monticello is a hell to manage 
parrallel development?


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