I am not aware of tools that do this inside pharo (I am also using pharo
for only a year now) but you can do this via code for example lets say you
want to see the source code for TaskbarMorph both instance and class
methods you can use this code to output the source code to the transcript

Transcript clear.
Transcript show:'***********INSTANCE SIDE*********';cr.
(TaskbarMorph methods) do:[:each| Transcript show:each
Transcript show:'***********CLASS SIDE*********';cr.
(TaskbarMorph class methods) do:[:each| Transcript show:each

Alternatively you can file out a source file for the class which will be
saved in the pharo folder with a st file extension. You just right click on
the class (in system browser) and choose file out.

For sharing code you use monticello and either smalltalkhub or git/github.
I use github personally.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Erik Itter <erik.it...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> being new to Smalltalk I wonder how I exchange source code both with
> collaborators and with my papers. Is there any view on the code basis where
> I see the complete class I wrote in order to use the source code in my
> papers without the need to collect pieces from the individual methods?
> best regards
> Erik

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