Look at
    - Citezen tests
    - StefPublicationsDocBuilder

- in the Reborn package you have a document hierarchy to build doc containing citations
    you have there visitor

    - in the Tools package well you have tools :)

You can manipulate CXEntries. Create a class ReKeyer to embed the logic.


On 13/10/14 02:57, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I'm using a Zotero collection for keeping track of several references I have found for my article about the experience of the outline/tree-like metaphor for writing inside Pharo (as soon as I have a presentable working draft I hope to share it with you).

Now I want to make a post-processing of the bibtex file exported from Zotero. The idea is to use "shorttitle" field instead to replace the Zotero auto-generated one and have custom keys. So for example instead of:

    title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on Vimeo},
    shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
    url = {http://vimeo.com/42073344?from=outro-local},
    urldate = {2014-08-19},
    note = {00000}


I would like to have:


    title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on Vimeo},
    shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
    url = {http://vimeo.com/42073344?from=outro-local},
    urldate = {2014-08-19},
    note = {00000}


I have already installed Citizen and open it on the browser to see the code, but I can find any place to start with examples.

Any advice on how to solve this issue will be appreciated.



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