Cool, playing with file systems ;-)

> On 03 Dec 2014, at 14:41, Udo Schneider <> wrote:
> On 03.12.2014 13:57, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Don't forget: if you get something working that hasn't been done before (it 
>> seems you are working on WebDAV), write something short about it to share 
>> with the rest of the community.
> For sure! I'm still shuffling around a lot of code. And there is /no/ 
> documentation yet. I'll make an official announcement once I have the code 
> sorted and documents.
> But you should be able to get an impression. Try this:
> "Install packages - all tests should be green given a WebDAV Server"
> Gofer new
>    url: '';
>    package: 'ConfigurationOfFileSystemNetwork';
>    load.
> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFileSystemNetwork) project version: #develop) 
> load.
> fs := FileSystem webdav: '[URL of a WebDAV server]'.
> wd := fs workingDirectory.
> "All the FileReference methods should work"
> wd children.
> wd children first basename.
> wd children first isFile.
> "wd children first delete."
> "You can even open a FileList on the working dir"
> FileList openOn: wd.
> CU,
> Udo

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