+1. In fact, when I don't get proper/quick feedback here (which is almost never) I got to SO. When feedback comes I try to update my answers on SO. At least having a conversation between SO and the list would be useful.



El 12/12/14 a las 05:34, Yuriy Tymchuk escribió:
Hi, so this message is about SODD (Stack Overflow Driven Development) and

If you look at the last questions of this guy:
http://stackoverflow.com/users/1906070/shiran?tab=questions you can see that
they are about smalltalk/squeak and asked in last 2 days :).

In fact I think that we should support asking questions on SO, as a lot of
people are anxious to register and talk to others on mailing list, and prefer to
search for solutions on SO. If we’ll build reasonable amount of Q/A data, it can
be easier for other people to start with Pharo.


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