You can do it with 

kill -15 PID

And, this (requires OSProcess):

        "Answers the process that hooks to the 
        OS signal that makes this worker to shutdown
        when the VM process receives a TERM signal from
        the OS."
        ^ [|semaphore|
                semaphore := OSProcess accessor forwardSigTerm.
                semaphore wait.
                self onTerminationSignal] 
                        forkAt: Processor systemBackgroundPriority 
                        named: 'Image TERM’

        "The process for the VM of this image 
        has received a TERM signal from the OS.
        React accordingly"
        self log: 'That''s all folks. This worker is shutting down. Bye bye...' 
        OSProcess accessor restoreSigTerm.
        SmalltalkImage current snapshot: false andQuit: true.

> On Feb 10, 2015, at 4:58 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo <> 
> wrote:
> Is there a way I can externally signal a running pharo-vm in order to
> request a shutdown equivalent to clicking on the close icon?
> I'd like to externally manage the start/stop of a Pharo image, but
> because the image can be used during development, I'd like to provide
> the user with a confirmation dialog instead of simply killing the
> process.
> Regards!
> Esteban A. Maringolo

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