Hello Andrea,

The way you wrote you algorithm is nice but makes extensive use of closures
and iterates a lot over collections. Those are two aspects where the
performance of Pharo have issues. Eliot Miranda and myself are working
especially on those 2 cases to improve Pharo performance. If you don't
mind, I will add your algorithm to the benchmarks we use because it really
makes extensive uses of cases we are trying to optimize so its results on
the bleeding edge VM are very encouraging.

About your implementation, someone familiar with Pharo may change
#timesRepeat: by #to:do: in the 2 places you use it.

For example:
run: points times: times
   * 1 to: times do:* [ :i | self run: points ].

I don't believe it makes it really harder to read but depending on the
number of times you're using, it may show some real improvements because
#to:do: is optimized at compile-time, though I tried and I got a -15% on
the overall time to run only in the bleeding edge VM.

Another thing is that #groupedBy: is almost never used in the system and
it's really *not* optimized at all. Maybe another collection protocol is
better and not less readable, I don't know.

Now about solutions:

Firstly, the VM is getting faster.
        The Pharo 4 VM, to be released in July 2015, should be at least 2x
faster than now. I tried it on your benchmark, and I got 5352.7 instead of
22629.1 on my machine, which is over x4 performance boost, and which put
Pharo between factor and clojure performance. An alpha release is available
here: https://ci.inria.fr/pharo/view/4.0-VM-Spur/ . You need to use
PharoVM-spur32 as a VM and Pharo-spur32 as an image (Yes, the image changed
too). You should be able to load your code, try your benchmark and have a
similar result.
        In addition, we're working on making the VM again much faster on
benchmarks like yours in Pharo 5. We hope to have an alpha release this
summer but we don't know if it will be ready for sure. For this second
step, I'm at a point where I can barely run a bench without a crash, so I
can't tell right now the exact performance you can expect, but except if
there's a miracle it should be somewhere between pypy and scala performance
(It'll reach full performance once it gets more mature and not at first
release anyway). Now I don't think we'll reach any time soon the
performance of languages such as nim or rust. They're very different from
Pharo: direct compilation to machine code, many low level types, ... I'm
not even sure a Java implementation could compete with them.

Secondly, you can use bindings to native code instead. I showed here how to
write the code in C and bind it with a simple callout, which may be what
you need for your bench:
. Now this way of calling C does not work on the latest VM. There are 3
existing frameworks to call C from Pharo, all having pros and cons, we're
trying to unify them but it's taking time. I believe for the July release
of Pharo 4 there will be an official recommended way of calling C and
that's the one you should use.

I hope I wrote you a satisfying answer :-). I'm glad some people are deeply
interested in Pharo performance.



2015-02-17 9:03 GMT+01:00 Andrea Ferretti <ferrettiand...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, a while ago I was evaluating Pharo as a platform for interactive
> data exploration, mining and visualization.
> I was fairly impressed by the tools offered by the Pharo distribution,
> but I had a general feeling that the platform was a little slow, so I
> decided to set up a small benchmark, given by an implementation of
> K-means.
> The original intention was to compare Pharo to Python (a language that
> is often used in this niche) and Scala (the language that we use in
> production), but since then I have implemented a few other languages
> as well. You can find the benchmark here
> https://github.com/andreaferretti/kmeans
> Unfortunately, it turns out that Pharo is indeed the slowest among the
> implementations that I have tried. Since I am not an expert on Pharo
> or Smalltalk in general, I am asking advice here to find out if maybe
> I am doing something stupid.
> To be clear: the aim is *not* to have an optimized version of Kmeans.
> There are various ways to improve the algorithm that I am using, but I
> am trying to get a feeling for the performance of an algorithm that a
> casual user could implement without much thought while exploring some
> data. So I am not looking for:
> - better algorithms
> - clever optimizations, such as, say, invoking native code
> I am asking here because there is the real possibility that I am just
> messing something up, and the same naive algorithm, written by someone
> more competent, would show real improvements.
> Please, let me know if you find anything
> Best,
> Andrea

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