Hi to all,

I'm working with Spec and appreciate the modularity a lot.
However, I had some difficulties to discover, how I can have a dynamic widget in a tab.

Plugging together the TabsExample and the DynamicWidgetChange didn't work either.

In the end I discovered the flaw:

- In DynamicWidgetChange>>change the last line from "self openWithSpec" to "self buildWithSpec" .
  The DynamicWidgetChange example works as before.

But now also the following works (I propose to enhance the example):
- Add a method
      | tab |
      tab := self newTab.
          label: 'Dynamic';
          icon: Smalltalk ui icons nautilusIcon;
          model: (DynamicWidgetChange  new).
      ^ tab "
  to DynamicWidgetChange.
- add a line "addTab: self dynamicTab " to DynamicWidgetChange>>populateManager

Now you can dynamically change the widgets in the fourth tab.

Cheers, Hartmut

Hartmut Krasemann

Königsberger Str. 41 c

D 22869 Schenefeld

Tel. 040.8307097

Mobil 0171.6451283


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