> On 03 Apr 2015, at 06:58, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:
> Now that we know the PostgresV2 driver can talk to our database, using the
> Monticello browser, open the PostgresV2 repository and load the package
> GlorpDriverPostgreSQL. Here I had to edit 
> NativePostgresDriver>>connectionArgsFromCurrentLogin: to comment out
> the second last line:
>        connectionArgs clientEncoding: aLogin encodingStrategy asSymbol
> This is because GlorpDatabaseLoginResource class>defaultPostgreSQLLocalLogin 
> does not specify encodingStrategy, meaning it is nil and will respond 
> to #asSymbol with DNU.

Yes, we have to fix that, but you also set it manually, no real need to patch 
the code:

  ^ Login new
      database: PostgreSQLPlatform new;
      username: 'sven';
      password: '';
      connectString: 'localhost:5432_sven';
      encodingStrategy: #utf8;

Interesting articles !


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