Excerpts from Peter Uhnák's message of 2015-04-08 08:47:15 +0200:
> > I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
> > actually look at 

i think the disk format is crucial for interoperability with other tools, such
as github webinterface, or external editors to work on things like pictures or 
(which is not yet supported (i have an idea how support could look like though))

i don't mind file-per-method though, it helps to make the diff-stat more
readable, showing which methods have been changed, added or removed...

> ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like
> > Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can
> > hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
> I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while
> and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm
> rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the
> power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time.

except for displaying the history graph. can't beat gitk or other gui tools for 
having a smalltalk version of that graph would really be great!

> As I've
> said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in
> idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh
> it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would). 

can't you already do that, except that you need to manually update the image by
loading/adopting the current state from the repo?

greetings, martin.

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Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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