On 04/08/2015 04:23 AM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
I am really pressed for time so I don't have the luxury to blue sky
ideas ...
I understand. I was not suggesting anyone do anything. Also, I agree that
methods seem to be the proper level for SCM versioning as they are in the
Smalltalk image. I was simply asking, in light of the appearance that the
merge driver could seemingly ignore the changes to certain files while still
committing them with Git, if it would be feasible to add read-only
one-class-per files "for viewing on GitHub". This is more of a sanity check
to see if I understood what the merge driver makes possible.

Sean, I think the issue becomes one of "so who makes sure the the readonly file matches the rest of the source" ...

I do occasionally edit files directory with vi ... I do regularly merge in changes from GemStone and Squeak ... so any package with this kind of file has the potential to decay quickly unless the changes were made so that they'd work on the supported filetree platforms ...

If you wanted to experiment, you could fork FileTree and try some experiments ... if they become something worth sharing, they could be merged into the master pharo branch ...


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