Your event is highly relevant for the community. Share your result with us. 


> Le 1 mai 2015 à 22:14, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> a 
> écrit :
> Hi,
> It was a pretty good event. It went something like this:
> a. We starting by presenting ourselves and our motivations to be in the 
> workshop/hackathon. We have people from IT technical support, political 
> sciences, sociology, design and myself.
> b. Then we see the short video [1] "How the Internet will (one day) transform 
> government" then we follow with a mental map of grafoscopio motivations and 
> backgrounds [2] behind grafoscopio.
> c. We made after that some introduction to the Smalltalk syntax and the pharo 
> 4 environment using the playground to execute code interactively, introducing 
> objects, messages and making some practical examples from just unary and 
> binary message in the playground with those message between objects, sending 
> some from the playground to the transcript (and trying to go beyond the 
> boring "hello world" :-P) and ending with those keyword and cascade message 
> which install grafoscopio.
> d. We saw the interactive agile visualization book snipped draft[3] and ran 
> it inside grafoscopio.
> The reception was very good. People liked the idea of interactive 
> documentation with embedded visualization instead of "making apps" and it was 
> a good bridge for persons with different backgrounds. I think it sparks their 
> imagination about a lot of possibilities which are closer to them as 
> "non-developers" (it happens also to myself).
> Tomorrow we will start a more detailed browsing of Agile Visualization and 
> our Prof Stef partial tutorial as an interactive document[4] and will end 
> with the combination the twitter scrapper (not made on Pharo) with data 
> visualization on Roassal and making some changes on the visualization of this 
> info.
> The only annoying thing was that cut/paste was not working uniformly on all 
> Linux machines. On some they worked with Ctrl c / Ctrl c on some others it 
> didn't work with Ctrl or Alt keys and we didn't know why.
> I will keep you posted, but was a really good experience.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> Links:
> ------
> [1] 
> http://www.ted.com/talks/clay_shirky_how_the_internet_will_one_day_transform_government
> [2] 
> http://mutabit.com/deltas/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/Es/Presentaciones/grafoscopio-mapa.png
> [3] 
> http://mutabit.com/deltas/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/En/Books/AgileVisualization/agile-visualization.ston
> [4] 
> http://mutabit.com/deltas/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/Es/Tutoriales/prof-stef-camiloh.ston
>> El 01/05/15 a las 11:24, Alexandre Bergel escribió:
>> Excellente!!
>> Let us know how we can help
>> Alexandre
>>> Le 1 mai 2015 à 10:29, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> Today and tomorrow, a small group of persons will be doing a 
>>> workshop/hackathon about Pharo and Agile Visualization at our local 
>>> hackerspace. Details on the event are on:
>>> http://hackbo.co/hackboweb/eventos/evento/375
>>> I will be sharing teaching materials, first impressions and questions with 
>>> you about the experience, while is happening and after that.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Offray
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