Dear all,

just to let you know, Cheikhou (in CC) is starting a student
internship in my lab.
He will work on Epidemiology Modelling with KENDRICK:
the platform that we are developing in order to analyse and visualise
diseases models behaviours.

We would like first to implement a GPU version of the Gillespie
Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (GSSA): and after that also
implement SPH simulations:

We are looking at the code of OpenCL and VirtualGPU done by Ronnie.
What we have understand until now :
- OpenCL package : low-level stuff to be able to interface OpenCL
kernels with Pharo
- VirtualGPU: high-level API on top of OpenCL in order to ease the
task of people who wants to use OpenCL. VirtualGPU provide high-level
operations on matrix and image at the moment.

@Ronie: What is not clear at the moment in our mind : when you build a
VirtualGPU program with the DSL, do you have the overhead of
communications every time you execute a VirtualGPU instruction or all
the the instructions are sent at the same time and run on the GPU ?

In our context, for building a GSSA algorithm, I guess we just have to
combine same VGPU instructions (matrix computations) but for doing SPH
simulations, we will have to provide our own instructions. Is there
any documentation in order to add own kernel and instructions ?

I know that others guys at INRIA (Stéphane ?) are interested by GPU.
Is it possible to join our effort to share what we are doing ?

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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