A bit extreme, but you could open World >> Tools >> Process Browser and
notice "Input Event Fetcher" then put a "self haltOnce" in
InputEventFetcher>>signalEvent: and trace through.

Or maybe have a look at HandMorphForReplay in
(disclaimer, I haven't got around to having a look at this myself yet)

cheers -ben

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Matthieu Lacaton <
matthieu.laca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Is there a way to move the position of the cursor (the HandMorph) by
> passing commands to it ?
> I tried things like "ActiveHand position:" or "ActiveHand moveToEvent:"
> but nothing worked for me.
> Thanks,
> Matthieu

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