I've found some minutes today to play with pillar and mustache. I wanted to 
know how far I can go when doing some static site generation. The exercise was 
to simulate a page that has multiple components either in mustache or pillar 
format. I could do this

| masterTemplate masterPillar masterDocument partialPillar partialTemplate   
finalPillar |

masterTemplate := '<master>

masterPillar := '{{title: This is the title of the master!}}

This text is contained in the master pillar template


partialPillar := '!{{{{{{title}}}}}}

Some text in the partial template before the content...


... and after'.

finalPillar := 'I''m a text in pillar format that was inserted in a partial 
mustache template generated from pillar that was inserted in a mustache master 
template in pillar format that was inserted in a master mustache template'.

masterDocument := PRDocumentParser parse: masterPillar readStream.

partialTemplate := PRHTMLWriter write: (PRDocumentParser parse: partialPillar 

phase1Result := masterTemplate asMustacheTemplate 
        value: masterDocument properties, { 
                'content' -> (PRHTMLWriter write: masterDocument) } 

phase2Result := phase1Result asMustacheTemplate
        value: { 
                'title' -> 'A partial title'.
                'content' -> (PRHTMLWriter write: (PRDocumentParser parse: 
finalPillar readStream)) } asDictionary
        partials: { 
                'phase2Template' -> partialTemplate } asDictionary.

and got

<head>This is the title of the master!</head>
<p>This text is contained in the master pillar template</p>
<p><h1>A partial title</h1>
<p>Some text in the partial template before the content...</p>
<p><p>I'm a text in pillar format that was inserted in a partial mustache 
template generated from pillar that was inserted in a mustache master template 
in pillar format that was inserted in a master mustache template</p>}</p>
<p>... and after</p></p>

That is really cool. Actually pillar and mustache are a good match.



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