2015-05-25 18:27 GMT+02:00 Matthieu Lacaton <matthieu.laca...@gmail.com>:

> Hello everyone,
> It's probably a silly question but there is something I don't understand
> in the PharoCommonTools class. There are many methods in this class that i
> can't find in the image.
> For example, *PharoCommonTools >> workspaceTool* refers to "*self
> workspace*" but I can't find any method named workspace in this class or
> its super classes.
> And it is the same for all the other tools.
> What am I missing ? :s

The super class "ToolRegistry" has a special implementation for method
If it can not understand a message, it looks in its tools registry for a
registered tool under that name.
Workspace for example registers itself for the key "workspace" and Nautilus
for "browser"

(Smalltalk tools instVarNamed:#tools ) at:#browser "Nautilus"

> Thanks,
> Matthieu

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