2015-06-11 13:23 GMT+02:00 Jigyasa Grover <grover.jigya...@gmail.com>:

> Hi
> I am using Spec to build the UI for an application.
> It would be great if anyone could help me put up nice background and images
> (just like we can do in Morphs).

I think spec does not support this. It could work (see example) but sadly
layout for creates non-translucent panels, and therefore you can not see
between the

    | ui layout |
    ui := DynamicComposableModel new.
    ui instantiateModels: #(#logo #ImageModel #input #TextInputFieldModel
#label #LabelModel #button1 ButtonModel).
    ui label label: 'Label'.
    ui button1 label: 'Go'.
    ui logo image: PolymorphSystemSettings pharoLogoForm.
    layout := SpecLayout composed
                        add: #logo top: 0 bottom: 1;
                        newRow:[:c | c
                        newColumn:[:r | r
                            add: #label;
                            add: #input;
                            add: #button1] left:0.5] height:90;

    ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.

see screenshot (PharoScreenshot.png)
if the PanelMorphs are translucent, it would look like the second
screenshot (PharoScreenshot.1.png)

> Thanks
> Jigyasa
> PS:
> Can I put up an image like this ? (It doesnt seem to work)
> /ImageModel new
>         image:  (Form fromFileNamed: FileSystem workingDirectory /
> 'header.gif');
>     openWithSpec./

What does not work in this example?

> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/Styling-UI-using-Spec-tp4831673.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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