> On 28 Jun 2015, at 17:25, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to study the use of super.
> Any idea how I can query them?

Hi Stef,

To get all methods that have a super send you can do:

superSenders := CompiledMethod allInstances select: #sendsToSuper

If you need more advanced search you can do it with RBParseTreeSearcher.
For exemple to get each super message node:

superSends := OrderedCollection new.
searcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new matches: 'super ``@msg: ``@args' do: [ 
:node :ans | superSends add: node ].
superSenders do: [ :each | searcher executeTree: each ast ].


> Stef

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