Christophe Demarey
>I tried to create an in-memory file as following:
>(MemoryFileSystemFile named: 'Foo') 
>       writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'bar' ]
>Then I get an improper store into ByteArray. It looks like Character cannot be 
>store in a byte array.
>I do not know if the bug is on the memory file system part or other.
>Any idea?

Why do you use MemoryFileSystemFile directly. Usually the FileSystem is 
the starting point. And there it works:

|fs file|
fs := FileSystem memory.
file := fs / 'test'.
file writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: 'bar' ].
fs inspect

The nice thing is that you can now browse the file system and file contents
with the new GT Inspector. 


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