
Is it possible with NativeBoost to create a binding for a variadic function

I've seen the printf example in NBCPrinter but this implementation is kind
of cheating since it always pass just a %s as format and one already
formatted string to the C function.

I've written a simple variadic function which adds every integer it
receives as argument (first argument is for the number of following
arguments) :

int add(int number,...);

In Pharo I've tried something like this :

*add: *number *arg1: *first *arg2: *second
> <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin>
> ^ self nbCall: #( int add (int number, int first, int second))
>   module: 'libMyLib.so'

and it works fine with two arguments.

Basically, doing so, I would need one method per number of arguments so
it's not very cool.

I thought that maybe I could pass an array as argument to my Pharo method
but I didn't really find a way to figure out how to define the nbCall
without having a "Generic failure".

*add: *number *args: *anArray
> <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin>
> ^ self nbCall: #( int add (int number, ??? anArray))
>   module: 'libMyLib.so'

Do you have an idea ?



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