
A friend told me one of his student need to understand the flow of
OpenStreepMap java code. Of course I told him about Moose, but I am not
sure I provide him enough guidance to get his student started with moose
(zero knowledge).

What will be the practical step to get started for a total novice on
Moose/Pharo (I can give the initial step related to the Pharo
environment, so no need to mention it) ?

If such information exists, just point it to me, but I did not find
after a small search. I just read it is possible
(http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/moose-custom-analyses-made-easy/), but
I bet such step by step guidance, will be very useful to let novice on
Pharo get started and is a way to attract more easily new users.



Dr. Geo

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