Cache of the mapping is just an implementation detail.

I was referring to the instance of the ==MyRectangle== object;
so I am more interested in this from outside perspective --- other objects
that will have to use the API...

So whether I would call
"class-side methods"
MyRectangle oppositeSideOf: #top "-> #bottom"

"instance side"
MyRectangle new oppositeSideOf: #top

MyRectangle instance oppositeSideOf: #top

"extending symbols"
#top oppositeSide

"a lot of classes"
Top "new/instance/whatever" oppositeSide "-> a Bottom instance/class"

" or something (completely) different?"


On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

> Even if you put the method on the class-side, you would still be
> creating an new instance each time.  Maybe you can store it in a class
> variable...
>     MyRectangle>>oppositeSides
>         ^ oppositeSides ifNil: [ oppositeSidesCache := { #top -> #bottom.
>     #bottom -> #top.
>     #topLeft -> #bottomRight
>     ....
>     } asDictionary ].
> cheers -ben
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Peter Uhnak <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to figure out where to best place some mapping/data/stable
> > methods.
> >
> > For example imagine method
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > MyRectangle>>oppositeSides
> >     ^ { #top -> #bottom.
> > #bottom -> #top.
> > #topLeft -> #bottomRight
> > ....
> > } asDictionary
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > And then the class might have some other related methods such as
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~
> > MyRectangle>>oppositeSideFor: aSide
> >     ^ self oppositeSides at: aSide
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > So it's a method returning a mapping between opposite sides/corners and
> thus
> > is really not going to change.
> > Now I could place this in instance-side and create a new instance every
> time
> > I wanted to use it (which doesn't seem practical), or I could put it in
> > class-side.
> > The problem I have with class-side is that naming is more like going
> through
> > minefield (more than once I corrupted my image by naming a method or
> > variable something I shouldn't have), and for whatever reason it feels
> like
> > either metaprogramming or procedural programmming... That class side
> methods
> > are pretty much global functions/variables... and short of constructors
> I am
> > avoiding static methods even in other languages... but maybe using it is
> ok.
> > Or maybe have it object an use singleton?
> >
> > The only oop-like approach I see would be to extend symbols (#top
> > oppositeSide), or have separate objects for sides, but that seems like
> > overkill.
> >
> > MySide subclass: #Top
> >
> > Top>>oppositeSide
> >     ^ Bottom new
> >
> > Are there any best practices regarding this? This is also true for actual
> > data stored in methods/attributes (such as icons).
> >
> > P.s.: For english natives... Should the second method be ned
> > "oppositeSideOf:" or "oppositeSideFor:"?
> >
> > Any ideas/pointers appreciated,
> > Peter

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