Hi Hernán

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Arturo,
> Do you want to implement a Geolocator like NAC?
> http://www.nactag.info/map.asp

Nope, just to count points for each different province.

> The GADM world tree is built from a CSV which I generated from the GADM
> 2.0 dBase files for the whole world. I checked the dBase format and doesn't
> include the polygon information you find in the .kmz files. I saw they
> released 2.5 this month (July 2015) but only in ESRI geodatabase format
> (which I didn't investigated yet, but not the same as ESRI shapefile
> format) and will release 2.7 in August 2015.
> Another way could be just to parse the KML (is just an XML file) using
> XPath or XMLPullParser.

Of course,thanks. I wanted to know if there were a library supporting KMZ,
and doing some queries on the objects contained there.
>From your reply and Sven's , I see there is no such library, but it seems
very easy to implement that functionality.
My only concern now is performance, I will try it and let you know.

> About locating the point in a polygon the problem of traditional 2D
> inclusion tests (ray crossing methods) is that require large storage, given
> polygons of enough size, complexity and amount of edges. This is a common
> situation with level 1 and 2 polygons. New methods for example classiffy
> polygon edges into layers, results in faster inclusion test.
> Thanks again.

best regards

> Hernán
> 2015-07-24 20:19 GMT-03:00 Arturo Zambrano <arturo.zambr...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi All,
>>   I would like to get some advice regarding which path I should take.
>> Problem:
>>  Given a coordinate I want to know to which geographical object it
>> belongs to.
>> Path 1
>>    Using Glorp to make a query to a Postgis instance containing the
>> boundaries of the geobjects
>> Path 2
>>  Use the data form GADM data (according to this thread
>> <http://forum.world.st/PostGIS-in-Pharo-td4802233.html>).
>> I would avoid path 1 in order to avoid installation of postgi. From the
>> thread mentioned above, I thing that it requires some development.
>> Regarding Path 2, I don't see which framework or library should I use to
>> import and query the data contained in the KMZ from GADM.
>> Any advice is welcome.
>> Best regards.
>> Art

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