Hi All

Below is a simple example of my problem.
Unless I am missing something, shouldn't the second row of items have 'second' as their tab (title) names?

|browser aCollection aDictionary|
aCollection := OrderedCollection new add: 'one'; add: 'two'; add: 'three'; add: 'four'; yourself. aDictionary := Dictionary new at: 'first' put: aCollection; at: 'second' put: aCollection copy; yourself.
browser := GLMTabulator new title: 'List Example'.
aDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :collection |
    browser row: [ :row |
        collection do: [ :string |
            row column: string asSymbol.
            browser transmit
                to: string asSymbol;
                andShow: [ :a |
                    a text
                        title: key;
                        display: string
browser openOn: aDictionary
Gareth Cox
IT Manager/Developer
Inspired Org (PTY) Ltd
email: gar...@inspired.org <mailto:gar...@inspired.org>

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