
Unfortunately, this is not supported in the current TablePresentation. You
would need to implement a different presentation to handle this behavior.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Gareth Cox <gar...@inspired.org> wrote:

>  Hi Again
> I'm wondering if its possible to have a double click (#strongSelection)
> action on single cells within a composite table.
> Basically I'd like to double click a value and be able to edit it (by
> whatever means I deem necessary).
> A lot of this is because I have a need to deal with unknown data, unknown
> values, in sets of unknown sizes.
> I'm trying to build stuff to be as dynamic as possible.
> So given the below example, are there any suggestions on how to add
> actions to single cells?
> |browser aCollection firstDict secondDict thirdDict|
> firstDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'john'; at: 'surname' put:
> 'blogs'; at: 'age' put: 33; at: 'location' put: 'everywhere'; yourself.
> secondDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'mary'; at: 'surname' put:
> 'jones';  at: 'age' put: 25; at: 'location' put: 'nowhere'; yourself.
> thirdDict := Dictionary new at: 'name' put: 'steve'; at: 'surname' put:
> 'irwin';  at: 'age' put: 51; at: 'location' put: 'somewhere'; yourself.
> aCollection := OrderedCollection new add: firstDict; add: secondDict; add:
> thirdDict; yourself.
> browser := GLMTabulator new.
> browser column: #table.
> browser transmit to: #table; andShow: [ :composite :collection| |aTable|
>     aTable := composite table.
>     collection first keys do: [ :key |
>         aTable column: key evaluated: [ :each | each at: key ]
>     ]
> ].
> browser openOn: aCollection
> Many Thanks
> --
>  Gareth Cox
> IT Manager/Developer
> Inspired Org (PTY) Ltd
> email: gar...@inspired.org


"Every thing has its own flow"

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