As a next step for my project Ephestos , I want to mess with
auto-completion. My goal is for auto completion to give priority to the
Ephestos packages. This way the Ephestos users will get recommended first
auto completion of Ephestos classes and methods, I will then add a line to
separate those from the rest of Pharo recommendations.

I could customise this further to accomodate for any package inside pharo
thus making the autocompletion prioritise your packages and
classes/methods. Is there any interest for something like that ?

If there is then I could make it into a separate Pharo project and make it
easy to install via Package Browser (Pharo 5 configuration browser) . If
there is no interest then I can keep it as part of my project and not do
the extra work for separating the code.

I also welcome any advice and recommendation on how to achieve this by
people who already hacked auto completion. I already study the NECompletion
package so I have a general idea but so far have not figure out how to
priorotise recommendations.

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