Hi jigyasa,

You have an openFullScreen method somewhere, which really opens full screen
(and makes it hard to close;) ).

Le 5 août 2015 5:30 PM, "Jigyasa Grover" <grover.jigya...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi !
> I am using *WidgetExamples exampleBuilder* to make an accordion widget. I
> open a model *newPluggableWindow* in it, and would like it to be a
> fullscreen entity.
> I have tried all the methods, *#fullscreen *and *#extent* but in vain. It
> would be great if anyone could help.
> The code snippet is as :
> *printSearchResults*
> *self open. *
> *SearchQuick searchQuick: self myString. *
> *builder := WidgetExamples exampleBuilder.*
> *dialog := (builder newPluggableDialogWindow: 'SEARCH  RESULTS  FOR " ',
> myString , ' " ').*
> *searchResultsAccordion :=  dialog contentMorph:*
> *(*
> *   dialog newColumn: { *
> *    dialog newColumn: *
> *      (*
> *           SearchQuick myResult collect: [ :r |*
> *              dialog newRow: {*
> *  (*
> *            (*
> * dialog newExpander: r title asString*
> *  forAll: { *
> * (  dialog newTextEditorFor: (  ValueHolder new contents: r content
> asString   )*
> *  getText: #contents setText: #contents:  )minHeight: 150.*
> *  }*
> *  )minWidth:750; minHeight: 10*
> *       )*
> *  cellInset: 0;*
> *  borderStyle: (BorderStyle inset baseColor: dialog paneColor; width: 1)*
> *       } *
> * ]*
> * ) .*
> * backBtn := dialog newButtonFor: self action: #backButtonClicked label:
> 'Back' help: 'Back'.*
> * backBtn extent: 750@30.*
> * }*
> * ); minWidth: World extent x; minHeight: World extent y;*
> *  model: nil.*
> * searchResultsAccordion position: 0@0.*
> * searchResultsAccordion extent: World extent.*
> * searchResultsAccordion width: World extent x.*
> * searchResultsAccordion height: World extent y.*
> *        builder newScrollPaneFor: searchResultsAccordion.*
> * dialog position: 0@0.*
> * dialog  extent: World extent.*
> *  builder openModal: dialog.*
> * dialog newScrollPaneFor: searchResultsAccordion .*
> Regards
> Jigyasa

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