On 8/11/15, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> since there has been talk about Tabular/DOCX,


> is there any project aimed at actually editing tables/spreadsheets inside
> Pharo?
> There's Spreadsheet by Torsten, but that seems to be an abandoned
> proof-of-concept.
> Peter

There is a start at using Glamour and Spec to view the tables in Tabular.


I have not tried it out yet. Needs a Glamour specialist to have a look.
Not sure about editing.

NeoCSV style import works ; limited export works.

Currently I am focused on getting roundtrip Import / Export of XLSX
files working for a slightly extended subset of the features. (cell
attributes, in particular 'font size, word wrap and column width

To have a display of it would be great.


        | wrapper matrix table |
        matrix := self cellsAsMatrix.
        wrapper := GLMWrapper new.
                show: [ :a |
                        table := a table.
                        1 to: matrix columnCount do: [ :i | table column: i 
evaluated: [ :col | col at: i ] width: 50 ] ].
        wrapper openOn: ((1 to: matrix rowCount) collect: [ :i | matrix atRow: 
i ])

        | matrix tree specCols |
        matrix := self cellsAsMatrix.
        tree := TreeModel new.
        specCols := (1 to: matrix columnCount)
                collect: [ :i |
                        TreeColumnModel new
                                displayBlock: [ :node | (node content at: i) 
asString ];
                                headerLabel: i asString;
                                yourself ].
        tree columns: specCols.
        tree roots: ((1 to: matrix rowCount) collect: [ :i | matrix atRow: i ]).
        tree openWithSpec.

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