> On 23 Aug 2015, at 6:09 , Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:
> And If you want to review the changes:
> https://github.com/nicolaihess/pharo-vm/compare/master...nicolaihess:win-long-filename
> <https://github.com/nicolaihess/pharo-vm/compare/master...nicolaihess:win-long-filename>
> 2015-08-23 13:44 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de 
> <mailto:nicolaih...@web.de>>:
> For those who had problems with pharo on windows and github based 
> repositories,
> I built a windows vm with support for long paths:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8yEahnuIem2bmxwdzJuUXFxVGM/view?usp=sharing 
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8yEahnuIem2bmxwdzJuUXFxVGM/view?usp=sharing>
> For browsing directories with large paths (FileList or Inspect),
> you may need one additional change in the image (But I am not really sure 
> about that) :
> DiskStore>>initialize
>     super initialize.
>     maxFileNameLength := Smalltalk vm maxFilenameLength ifNil: [ 32767 ].
> please test and give feedback.
> This wasn't as easy as I thought, and I had to make some more changes
> for the file permissions (the stat-functions don't work for files with long 
> paths).
> Please test other file/folder operations.
> nicolai

+  #define CONVERT_MULTIBYTE_TO_WIDECHAR_PATH(buffer, size, fileNameString, 
fileNameLength)  {  \
+    buffer = (WCHAR*)alloca((size+4+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));\
+    buffer[0] = L'\\';buffer[1] = L'\\'; buffer[2] = L'?'; buffer[3] = L'\\';\
+    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fileNameString, fileNameLength, buffer + 
4, size);\
+    buffer[size + 4] = 0;\
+    size += 4;}

- Is an alloca version really worth it for the potential problems?
- Also, LONG_PATH_PREFIX_SIZE is defined above in the header, should probably 
use this instead of 4 in the last two lines?
- The comment on lines 111/164/265/381, while not modified, are somewhat 
incorrect, null-terminated C-string indicates UTF8, which we are converting 
from, not into.

I'm curious what the "\\?\ <smb://?/>" prefix does to hasCaseSensitiveDuplicate 
(adding a new ? segment to the path), but I cba to understand that code, and 
int caseSensitiveFileMode = 0;
if(!caseSensitiveFileMode) return 0;

I guess it doesn't really matter.

Otherwise, looks good to me!


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