
I have realized that inspecting a recursive data structure is very
slow in Pharo 4.0

A test case:

| myDict |
myDict := Dictionary new.
myDict at: #hello put: 'hello'.
myDict at: #recurHello put: myDict.
myDict inspect

It takes a long time for the inspector to come up. And the image
freezes later on if you continue.

The problem is with the inspector because if I do
| myDict |
myDict := Dictionary new.
myDict at: #hello put: 'hello'.
myDict at: #recurHello put: myDict.
3 + 4 inspect

it comes up instantly.

As a comparison I attach the Cuis ** test result. The inspector comes
up instantly and the image does not have any problems.

What are the workarounds in Pharo 4.0?

- Setting a time out somewhere?
- Disabling certain functions?
- Loading a simpler inspector?



** current build  2463.image

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