
today I wanted to have a look at how git integrates with Pharo. This is
what I found (mostly done by Thierry Goubier, thank you very much) and
what I didn't find:

- there is some documentation here:
  But this is largely unfinished material. I contributed by adding a few
  things here and there but not much. If you have some experience,
  please share it there
  (https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoInProgress). Missing
  things include:

  - a discussion about which process to follow in which conditions
    (should I use GitFileTree or FileTree?)

  - a discussion about moving a smalltalkhub repository to git while
    preserving history

  - a discussion on how to write Metacello configurations for a project
    on git and for a project which depends on a project on git.

- there is a nice git merge driver
  (https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver). It seems
  to work fine. I sent 3 minor pull requests.

- a list of tools missing before everyone uses git. For example:

  - A tool to resolve merge conflicts in Pharo. We should reuse the diff
    widget we have.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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