>> In other words, if I install the links after the package has been 
>> loaded/updated and I will not be changing the code, will I be safe?
> If you want to be sure, you need to implement a layer above. (I want to 
> provide a framework for that later to be reused)
> -> Every change to code can be easily tracked by subscribing to the system 
> notification mechanism
> -> If a method changed that you are interested in —> reinstall the links.
> I wanted to avoid global subscriptions since I am not sure of the performance 
> penalty... it seems to me like a overkill, but someone would have to 
> benchmark it first. Because 99% of the time you are probably not working with 
> MetaLinks.
I should build some mechanism where the notification is done somehow by the 
method… it knows its links and the links could know who installed them and 
notify to re-install.

>> maybe I should do real AST rewrites and recompile instead... or investigate 
>> if I can somehow annotate Nautilus and debugger to show the links... hmm…
> Link visualisation in the code will come, now with the new editor this is 
> actually possible! But it will be after the whole base is stable and 
> debugged...
> But of course the “hidden” nature of the metalink is a tradeoff… rewriting 
> code in a more visible way can be better depending on the situation.
> Well since I want to play with metalinks some more I created a simple 
> Nautilus plugin that can show MetaLinks associated with a method... 
> <2015-09-10_22:32:50.png>
> ​
> But I don't know how useful it would be for real metalink usage... maybe I 
> can publish it somewhere...
yes, this is a nice start to experiment! 


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