
Off topic --- I don't read all of the pharo posts on both pharo lists, but if you put Metacello in the subject, I have an email filter that alerts me and I read those (more often:) ...

What you are getting with record is what would be loaded in the image, so my guess is that in Pharo4.0 there are equivalent or later versions of all the packages that would be loaded ...

If you are interested in seeing all of the packages that would be loaded (without regard to packages already loaded in image) you can do the following:

  ((ConfigurationOfGlamour project version: #stable)
    ignoreImage: true)
    record loadDirective


On 09/11/2015 01:44 AM, Usman Bhatti wrote:
Tx for looking.

I did:
(ConfigurationOfGlamour project version: #stable) record loadDirective
in Moose 5.0 (pharo3) and Moose5.1(pharo4).

Here is the difference in the output. And the first (with Pharo3) is much more helpful because with a single command one can understand ALL the packages loaded. Whereas, in Pharo4, we don't get the complete tree and hence one has to see the list of the individual configurations to understand.

linear load :
linear load : 2.1 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
load : ConfigurationOfGrease
atomic load : 2.1 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
load : Glamour-Announcements-tg.5
load : Glamour-Helpers-TudorGirba.25
--------long list continues--------------
linear load : 2.162 [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
load : ConfigurationOfHealthReportProducer
linear load : 2.162 [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
load : ConfigurationOfShapeST80
atomic load : 2.162 [ConfigurationOfMondrian]
linear load : 1.7 [ConfigurationOfHealthReportProducer]
load : ConfigurationOfXMLSupport
atomic load : 1.7 [ConfigurationOfHealthReportProducer]
explicit load : XMLSupport
load : ConfigurationOfXMLSupport-monty.75
load : HealthReportProducer-Ivan_Rojas.13
load : Nile-Base-DamienCassou.81
load : Mondrian-ComplexShape-AlexandreBergel.33
--------long list continues--------------

linear load :
linear load : 3.3.0 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
load : ConfigurationOfMagritte3
atomic load : 3.3.0 [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
linear load : 1.14 [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
linear load : 11 [ConfigurationOfNeoJSON]
load : Neo-JSON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.29
linear load : 3.5.0 [ConfigurationOfMagritte3]
load : Magritte-Pharo3-Model
load : CollectionExtensions-TudorGirba.41
load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations-TudorGirba.38


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 8:53 PM, stepharo < <>> wrote:

    (ConfigurationOfStore project version: #stable) record loadDirective

    linear load :
        linear load : 0.10 [ConfigurationOfStore]
            linear load : 0.2 [ConfigurationOfGarage]
                load : ConfigurationOfTalkFFI
            linear load : 0.2 [ConfigurationOfGarage]
            load : Store-StephaneDucasse.13

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