Peter, the XPath lib was rewritten not long ago to provide full XPath 1.0 
support + extensions, so feel free to mail me with questions or bugs. The old 
lib didn't implement the whole spec and would crash or infinite loop on valid 
input, so I felt a rewrite was needed.

> myDocument xPath: #'entity/@name'

I think treating Symbols as Strings is a bad idea. On GS, Symbols aren't 
Strings, and #foo = 'foo' is false, so in the XPath lib itself (which now 
supports GS), I NEVER use Symbols as Strings. But on Squeak/Pharo, this won't 
hurt you. if you don't need porting, do what you like.

> myDocument / 'entity' @ 'name'

This is the "DSL" syntax.  There are binary messages for each XPath axis: // 
for "descendant", //~ for "descendant-or-self", ~ for "self" and more in the 
"enumerating - axis" category. The XPath compiler actually generates sends of 
these but with block arguments that don't need parsing (string arguments are 
treated as NameTests and can have wildcard or type tests like '*', '*:foo', or 
'text()'). Because the string args are parsed every time, using xPath: can be 
faster if you save the compiled XPath (like in an inst/class var: "savedXPath 
:= 'some/path' asXPath") and reuse it (with "aNode xPath: savedXPath"). There's 
also a global compiled XPath cache that's checked before compiling an 
expression, so xPath: can still be faster even if you don't bother saving.

Remember the xPath: usage gives access to full XPath syntax (not just axis and 
nametests), including predicates, functions, and variables. XPath is really a 
different language so mapping it all to a ST DSL is tricky. For example, XPath 
1.0 is weakly typed so "1" = 1 = "1.0" but clearly this is false in ST. Be 
aware of the differences when you go from one to the other.

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