> Do you plan to add a code generator?

Unfortunately right now I am fully focusing on UML Class Diagrams, and
I have limited resources (my time), and has only 26 hours.
I will start writing a code generator for UML next month, but that has
somewhat different semantics to FSM.

> I am writing a Code Generator (not in public state for now) and we could join 
> forces. I've seen a few Smalltalk FSM implementations out there, but I am 
> thinking about generation of this kind of code 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~MasashiUmezawa/SState

I'd be very happy to collaborate!

The MesashiUmezawa/SState looks quite good; the semantics seem closer
to UML StateMachine than FSM, but that's fine, because it's more
Also using model maintained by someone else would free my hands to
focus on the application itself.

So while I currently don't have the time to implement this myself, I
would be very happy to help you in any way (documentation, examples,
explanations, etc.) if you are up for the task.

> I just re-checked the DynaCASE video and it has its own textual FSM way :)

FSM has just a Smallltalk DSL (shown in the beginning).

The textual representation (at the end of the video) is related to
BORM, which is quite a different beast. (Also I rewrote it since then,
because what's in the video was just a proof-of-concept.)

But then again creating a better Smalltalk DSL or a textual DSL (with
the help of PetitParser) is quite easy and fun. :-)

> A little thing that could be added is to generate an empty FSM after
> creating the project

I'm assuming you created the project from the "DynaCASE" world entry;
I don't think that it should create FSM by default because there are
two more models (UML Class diagram and BORM), so it doesn't now which
one to pick.
What I can do is add a button or something where you can select what
kind of initial diagram you want.

However right now you can click on the "DC Finite State Machine" world
entry (it has a submenu with examples, but don't click on the
examples, click on the entry itself) --- this opens a new empty FSM


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