> On 06 Oct 2015, at 09:09, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:
> Am 04.10.2015 23:53 schrieb "Peter Uhnák" <i.uh...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:i.uh...@gmail.com>>:
> >
> > This is both rant and list of questions/notes/observations...
> >
> > ...but first of all:
> > do Smalltalkers not like code completion? Because the one in Pharo is 
> > really poor and not only that nobody is doing anything about it, but also 
> > nobody is complaining; this leads me to believe that you either
> >
> > a) don't have the manpower (this is true pretty much always, so no 
> > complaints here)
> > b) don't care about this that much (since you lived without it for 45 years)
> >
> > at least from the lack of complaining to me it seems that b) is more likely 
> > scenario...
> >
> > But since I do use it, I get annoyed by it quite a bit, especially since I 
> > regularly work in IDEs where this thousand times better.
> Can you Name one, for a dynamic OO -  language?
> (Maybe we can borrow some ideas).


I think that RubyMine has to do something with code completion.


> >
> > Now I would like to get things moving a bit (or bury it and forget it), so 
> > I have couple of questions and would appreciate if someone could provide 
> > some feedback.
> >
> > 1. Methods of core/top classes should be deprioritized
> >
> > Since Object has almost 500 methods whatever I will start typing 
> > Object/TClass/TBehavior/... will have a list of answers...
> I think this is difficult, even though this classes are big and you don't use 
> most of the methods, 
> are you sure we dont use some of the methods  *often*.  Morphic, 
> ComposeableModel or many collection classes, for example.
> >
> > so let's start typing...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Very often I have to type almost full word to see what I want.
> This is doesn't happen often to me. It is far from perfect but most of the 
> time I only type a small part and find the correct completion.
> > Shouldn't the completion follow the inheritance chain? So first it shows me 
> > matches from the class itself (especially since it actually knows the type) 
> > and only after then it's parents and so on?
> Currently, it only collects all selectors into  a set and sorts by matching 
> and length. 
> We could add the class info and sort by inheritance distance.
> This needs some change how sorting is implemented, for now,it is typeless and 
> may need some double dispatching.
> >
> > 3. Or maybe even show the (closest) class that implements it.
> > So the last two items would have somewhere (beginning or the end) written 
> > '(Object)' and the first two '(yourself)' (or the class's name).
> This needs some additional work too, now the menu text  is the actual 
> completion content. But it
> shouldn't be that difficult and some code looks like it was intended to work 
> that way.
> >
> >
> > 2. The window has fixed size, so if I have longer method (as in picture 
> > above) I don't see it all.
> >
> > 3. Is middle-of-the word really that often used? See 
> > moseIntere<sti>ngEntity above. It feels to me that it just creates a lot of 
> > false positives (I have this problem also with inspector btw, so I often 
> > have to prefix it with >># or if I see it already lot of <arrow down>, 
> > which is annoying)
> I often search for "Dictionary" or "Morph" and expect results even if the 
> typed word is not at the beginning, quite often.
> >
> >
> >
> > 4. We write tests, however how often have you manually created an instance 
> > of a test class by hand? I think they should be either filtered or 
> > deprioritized as they create visual clutter. This is probably also true for 
> > many other classes such as ConfigurationOf/Manifest/... Nobody instantiates 
> > them by hand.
> Be careful will statements like "nobody ...."
> I do a lot of reviews for pharo issues, and this involves working in 
> workspace and instantiating classes  (Yes, Tests, Refactoring, LintRules) 
> most people don't use them this way but by the tools (SUnit, CriticBrowser)
> But I do.
> >
> > 5. How often do you send #abs to a dictionary? 
> seldom, never? but how could a completion framework detect that?
> >
> >
> > 6. If I have already written part of the selector it's impossible to 
> > "continue" and add an extra parameter. This is because it doesn't know if I 
> > am code completing for dict, or #key.
> > Maybe different shortcuts? <tab> to code complete on #key, and <shift+tab> 
> > to code complete on the previous one... 
> good idea!
> (did you know, that there is a shortcut to jump from one message send 
> argument to another (not related to completion, but very helpful). Sadly this 
> is gone or I couldn't find
> it in rubrics shortcut handling).
> > or maybe cycle through them because this can be nested (the currently code 
> > completed item would have to be highlighted somehow).
> >
> >
> > 7. So if I don't want to see the above I have to type it manually; which is 
> > fine for #at:put: but not for longer words.. (just to find out ten seconds 
> > later that I have a stupid typo there).
> >
> > 8. The code completion doesn't show parameter names. This is very helpful 
> > because it often reveals what it actually accepts. Now I have to actually 
> > look into the code of the method.
> Yes, I tried to change that for issue "10219 
> <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/10219/Completion-enter-on-accept-awkwardness>
>  Completion: enter on accept awkwardness", but again, the completion only 
> knows about the methodDict keys, the selector,
> not the mehod code. But I would like to change that and test if it is much 
> slow.
> >
> > Now we can hardly compete with typed languages, but I think there's a lot 
> > lot room for improvement.
> >
> > For comparison from other languages/IDE's.
> >
> > PhpStorm/PHP
> >
> > (notice how it shows the whole method if it's longer than the window and 
> > doesn't it just clip)​
> >
> > NetBeans/C++
> >
> >
> >
> > In the picture above it ​still provides hinting when typing the parameter.
> >
> > TypeScript playground
> >
> >
> > ​(similar to NetBeans)
> >
> > Also they have in their online playground better and nicer code completion 
> > than we have in actual env (http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground 
> > <http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground> )
> >
> > So if you have any thoughts/feedback/whatnot on this matter, I would 
> > greatly appreciate it.
> >
> > Peter
> >

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