Thanks for the reply.

Sounds like a winner to me.


On 10/15/2015 10:32 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Jimmie Houchin < <>> wrote:


    I am exploring getting a VPS similar to the 1GB option.

    I have not selected a company or service at this time so this is
    simply an example and one of my options.

    I have not used such a service before.

I am using Linode and running Pharo and GemStone there (CentOS 7). So far no problem and Linode seem very very cool.

    How suitable is Pharo currently for such an use case?
    Will Pharo and its polling and constant minimum cpu usage be a

It's not in my case. Linode does invoice for cpu cycles, you simply has CPU assigned and you do not care if it is 100% 24 hours a day or 10% used. Other services like amazon etc do care about CPU cycles (the price is based somehow on that I think), but not in Linode or other VPS-like.

    I am wanting to learn to use VPS/Cloud services. I am wanting to
    play with a web server, wiki, blog. I want control of my tools and
    not the standard LAMP setup that so commonly offered.

I am very happy with Linode. It supports many nice things like having multiple virtual images, clone them, backups, etc. For example, I have a Linode template VM that is "ready to run my app" and then I can clone such VM for each site (app instance) we deploy.
We have a daily backup, weekly, monthly and one more free slot.

    Any wisdom on Pharo in such an environment, pros and cons, greatly

I think it depends on the type of app. For my case, I do not want to host myself anymore. So I would go for cloud based for sure. Then, you have the VPS like or the amazon-like. Both allow you to grow. I guess you may choose this depending on your type of app. In any case, you end up having a OS where you simply install Pharo and that's it.


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