Hi Dimitris,

Thank you very much for your hard work. It was so much needed. In fact, I
need it now :)
I have question... remember the old PBE used to have a VM + image for the
book, which was the image expected to be used while reading the book. Is
there a new VM + image prepared for UPBE? If true, where? If not, then at
least which Pharo version is expected to be used as a reference? 4.0?

Thanks in advance,

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:

> On 23-10-15 19:15, Thierry Goubier wrote:
>> Le 23 oct. 2015 7:00 PM, "Dimitris Chloupis" <kilon.al...@gmail.com> a
>> écrit :
>>> I completely agree with Stef, I did actually removed some screenshots and
>> someone put them pack
>>> Maybe I can create a pharo script to auto make them for each version
>> Wasn't there a way to run Smalltalk code inside pillar? Code that would
>> open windows, screenshot and return a png.
> Well, there is Documentation-Screenshots in StephanEggermont/Documentation
> You create a DOScreenshotExporter, set its directory and tell it which
> forms/morphs/nautilus/world you want stored there under which filename.
> I fixed a few remaining bugs today.
> I presume you should be able to use it in pillar.
> You can use it like
> so := DOScreenshotExporter new.
> so directory: FileLocator home.
> so writeNautilusMethod: DOScreenshotExporter>>#directory: as:
> 'directoryMethod.png'
> It has methods like
> DOScreenshotExporter>>writeNautilusMethod: aMethod as: aFileName
>   self writeBlock: [(Nautilus openOnMethod: aMethod) ui window imageForm ]
> as: aFileName
> This makes sure to first rename an existing file before overwriting it.
> DOScreenshotExporter>>writeBlock: aBlock as: aFileName
>   |temp|
>   (directory / aFileName) exists ifTrue: [
>     temp := (directory / aFileName) renameTo: (aFileName,'tmp') ].
>   PNGReadWriter putForm: aBlock value onFileNamed: (directory / aFileName).
>   temp ifNotNil: [ temp ensureDelete ]
> Stephan


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