Le 11/11/2015 11:46, Tudor Girba a écrit :
> I actually think we should disable those shortcuts.
> The reason is that they “pollute" the global shortcut space: for example, you 
> can now not use Cmd+o for any custom action in your own window, and that is 
> less than ideal.
> The alternative is to use Spotter to spawn windows. The interesting thing 
> there is that you do not need shortcuts for every specific windows because 
> you can use regular search. For example, opening Playground is: Shift+Enter, 
> p, Enter
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."


I am totally against it because it's too much time to open it with the
spotter. A shortcut need to be a shortcut. If I need to open it via the
Spotter, I will use the mouse because it's the same time.
One more reason, when the image become too big sometime, the Spotter
need some time to initialize. On one of my latest image the spotter
needed ~3-4sec to open and initialize.

There is a lot of things that we cannot do easily only with the
keyboard, this is bad. So please, do not remove what works for now.

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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