
In Colombia we had very violent and bad times at the 80's and that bad press endures until today, even despite of being a country full of wonderful people and places.

And yes, I think that we need to make something. It's curious because programming tries to remain abstract but programmers are concrete people with countries, families, ties. I'm trying an alternative approach that binds programming to the reality by not starting with the sad/uninteresting "hello world examples", but with making sense of a complex human world by using data. Usually that means scraping data, think of it as a political construction instead of a "neutral" one and a critical approaches to problems. I'm not saying this is some kind of "solution", but another place to start thinking in how our everyday programming language and environment can help to build democracy and understanding by education, instead of being co-opted by the language of war.

With solidarity,


On 15/11/15 04:23, abdelghani ALIDRA wrote:

Indeed, This is a very sad day.
I sincerly sympathize with people of France.
In Algeria, we have known such barbarian actions in the 90's (and much more unfortunately, may you be preserved) But today we got rid of it. And I hope France will do too. In fact, I am quite sure it will.

I finaly would like to say that those sick people do not represent us.
They are stupid ignorants and we muslims, have been their first victims in Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan ... and unfortunately, as Stef said, their evil will expand everywhere if nothing is done to stop them.


Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2015 08:13:32 +0100
From: stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>>
To: Pharo Development List <pharo-...@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-...@lists.pharo.org>>, Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>>
Subject: [Pharo-users] Democracy attacked...
Message-ID: <5646df1c.5030...@free.fr <mailto:5646df1c.5030...@free.fr>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi guys

I just want to let you that France got attacked by kamizazes probably
from these fanatics
ruining syria and we are touched. 120 people killed: they attacked a
rock concert and
restaurants in the street in Paris. They killed people randomly and as
I hope that such attacks will not happen in your country but if we do
not do anything
I doubt it will not expand.

And sadly this is just the beginning because this is a terrible war in
fact. Democracy and
our model are threatened and I hope our countries will realize that we
have to react.



Message: 2
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2015 08:21:26 +0100
From: stepharo <steph...@free.fr <mailto:steph...@free.fr>>
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org <mailto:pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>>
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Very sad day for the world
Message-ID: <5646e0f6.8060...@free.fr <mailto:5646e0f6.8060...@free.fr>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Thanks I just woke up and heard these terrible news.
To me when a human believes that another one is not worth more than a
dog and we can kill it for free, we cannot
expect much.

I really hope that people will not vote for extreme right because it
would be terrible in addition.
Now I hope that our goverment will have a really strong reaction.
And the problem with democracy is that it is mild in general but in fact
this is a war.
When you imagine that in France an imam is able to say that if kids
listen music they will go to hell.

I'm really happy that France got in africa fighting against people that
can destroy the oldest libraries
because else we would have even more trouble because we are at two hours
from algeria, marocco.
Now we pay the price and it will continue.


Le 14/11/15 06:08, Hern?n Morales Durand a ?crit :
> Cannot believe what happened in Paris. I am really sad and frightened
> about the future of human kind.
> Love and strength to the people in Paris and all of France.
> Hern?n

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