Hi Edward,

Le 19/11/2015 13:50, Edouard Delbar a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm new on this mailing list, this is my first mail :-)
> I'm a student from University of Lille (France). I'm studying this
> tutorial (I'm using Pharo 4 but it seems not to be a
> problem): http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr/Teaching/ObjVLisp/ObjV.pillar.pdf.
> I'm working with the "ObjVLispSkeleton-StephaneDucasse.1" image loaded
> from this repository:

I did ObjVLisp on Pharo4. There is some problems in the PDF but this is
the right version of Pharo.

>     MCSmalltalkhubRepository
>     owner: 'StephaneDucasse'
>     project: 'ObjVLispSkeleton'
>     user: ''
>     password: ''
> I'm stuck at "Method Lookup" p11. First, it seems that unit tests
> "testNilWhenErrorInLookup" and "testRaisesErrorSendWhenErrorInLookup"
> are not provided, thus I'm not sure that I'm working with the right
> image (everything was fine until p11 though). Then, the "lookup:
> selector" is not provided neither. While there is another method named
> "lookup: selector from: anObjObject", I can't figure out what I'm
> supposed to do with the second parameter. Here is what I would do:

I remember that some tests was missing and that I had some problems with
this method too.

>     lookup: selector
>     "look for the method named <selector> starting in the receiver. 
>     The lookup is done for a message sent to <anObjObject>. self is an
>     objClass"
>     ^ self objMethodDict
>     at: selector
>     ifAbsent: [ self objSuperclassId ifNotNil: [ self objSuperclass
>     lookup: selector ] ]
> Could someone tell me if this implementation is correct? If it's
> correct, what do you think the second parameter is for? 

This implementation is correct in my opinion. I did the same.
I think the second parameter is an error if this tutorial.

> Moreover, do you think I'm working with the right image?

Yes you are.

> Thanks.
> - Edouard

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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